General information Guild Name: Rehabilitated Faction: Horde Realm: Ragnaros (EU) Realm Timezone: GMT+1
Most important to know about us With a serious touch, full competitive goals, without going full mental. Being friendly and social in all situations. Maintaining a balance between hardcore and semi-hardcore raiding. Aiming for cutting edge achievements in Shadowlands.
For Shadowlands the guild has reformed after the launch of BFA the game did not feel right for us anymore. After raiding together since WOTLK, we decided to go with a new start on Ragnaros as Horde (always played Alliance before). The core of the guild consists of around 10 people who have raided together since WOTLK. Cutting edges were achieved. We raided heroic ICC, all the heroic MOP raids, all mythic Legion raids. Old guild name: Sanctum guards on Magtheridon (EU).
Semi-hardcore or hardcore? The core of the group has been together for quite some time. As a group, we have encoutered different goals of playing together. As we were never casual, this is mostly alligned with "Semi-hardcore" goals. However, we experienced that Semi-Hardcore is not always the best phrase to summarize who we are. Often we go a step further, without going full mental. An example:
Raid schedule Raid Times: CET (GMT+1) 20:00 - 23:30 (with possible extending to 0:00). Progression Raid Schedule: Thursday, Monday. Flexible/Farm Raid Schedule: Wednesday.
Classes Any good application will be take into consideration. At this point in time we only accept 1 healer (shaman or disc priest), 1 melee monk and 1-2 more ranged dps classes.
Contact information Feel free to join our discord: And/or feel free to contact us: Bnet: Pwarr#2305 or Discord: Pwarr#7115 Bnet:Zyjah#2224 or Discord: Dennis_zyjah_cleric#3906
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Rehabilitated играет 2 раз в неделю общей продолжительностью 7 часа(часов).
Day | Start | Duration |
Пн | 19:00 | 3ч 30м |
Чт | 19:00 | 3ч 30м |
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